
Getting started

Choosing your treatment

Your healthcare professional has several options for managing advanced prostate cancer. There are many reasons why CAMCEVI® might be right for you.

ICON- Checkmark

Leuprolides have shown to be effective in treating advanced prostate cancer1

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Consistent testosterone level reduction from week 4 out to 6 months1

ICON - Reduction

Reduction in testosterone levels by week 4 after the initial dose1

ICON - Calendar

Consistent testosterone level reduction from week 4 out to 6 months1

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Subcutaneous injection means the injection is given in the fatty tissue, just under the skin1

Injection Sites

Injection Sites image
Injection Sites image

Receiving Your injection

You can only receive CAMCEVI injections from your healthcare provider. The proper dose is injected into the fatty tissue just under your skin in your upper- or mid-abdominal area.1 As long as CAMCEVI is working for you, your healthcare provider will repeat the injection every 6 months.

Talking with Your Healthcare professional

It can be helpful to take a list of questions to your appointment so you remember everything you wanted to discuss. The following are some general suggestions to help you make the most of your appointments.

Doctor patient image
Doctor patient image


  • How often will I get a CAMCEVI injection?
  • What are the side effects? Are there ways to help manage them?
  • Who should not take CAMCEVI?
  • Are there any medications or things I should avoid while taking CAMCEVI?
  • How will we know if CAMCEVI is working for me?
  • Are there situations when I should contact my healthcare professional?

Questions about treating advanced prostate cancer

  • What role does testosterone play in my advanced prostate cancer?
  • What are the treatment choices for my stage of advanced prostate cancer?
  • Are there additional tests I will need throughout my treatment (testosterone levels, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, lipids)?
  • What is the difference between hormone-blocking therapies?

Questions about living with advanced prostate cancer

  • Is there any type of diet I should follow, or foods I should avoid?
  • What are the effects of smoking and/or alcohol on my cancer?
  • What type of exercise is best for me?
  • Are there certain activities I should avoid?
  • How can I manage my stress levels?
  • What about other medications, prescription or otherwise? Is there anything I shouldn’t be taking?


Doctor Discussion Guide


This doctor discussion guide, developed in partnership with ZERO Prostate Cancer, includes questions to help guide conversations between patients and their care team, while equipping them with the information they need to be informed and to have their questions ready.

Help for managing side effects

If you experience side effects while taking CAMCEVI, it’s important to discuss them with your healthcare provider, as they may have advice on how to manage them. The following tips may also help, but it’s important to remember that this information doesn’t replace the advice of your provider. Be sure to notify them if symptoms or side effects worsen.


Hot Flash

CAMCEVI can cause hot flashes. You may experience them as a rush of warmth in your upper torso, followed by excessive perspiration. It may help to dress in layers and open windows or use a fan while you sleep. It’s also a good idea to keep a diary of triggers so you can avoid them. Your healthcare professional may have more advice.2


High Blood Pressure

It’s important for all adults to try to maintain a healthy blood pressure, which you can monitor at home. Ask your healthcare provider if certain blood pressure numbers should trigger a phone call to their office. Be sure to take any blood pressure medication as directed by your provider. Some ways to manage blood pressure and overall heart health include eating a healthy, low-salt diet, quitting smoking, and getting regular physical activity.3 Your care team may have other ideas about lowering your blood pressure risks.4


Injection site reactions

CAMCEVI is given as an injection, which may cause temporary burning or stinging, pain, bruising, or redness at the injection site.1 Your healthcare professional may offer advice about over-the-counter pain medication and/or using ice packs to help relieve your symptoms.5 Do not apply heat directly to the area where the shot was given.


Pain in extremity, such as the neck, shoulders, arms, and legs

Be sure to report any pain to your care team. They may suggest you try over-the-counter medications6 or non-medical therapies like yoga, gentle stretching, and exercise7 that may help to reduce pain. Sticking to a schedule and taking medicine exactly as prescribed may help with pain control.8



If you find that you are more tired after receiving CAMCEVI, there may be some steps you can take to help. For example, lifestyle changes—such as staying or becoming more physically active and getting proper nutrition—may help you cope with fatigue. Make sure to tell your care team how you are feeling so they can tailor their advice for you.9



You may be at risk for increased blood sugar when you take CAMCEVI. Talk to your healthcare professional about monitoring your blood sugar levels.1


Your heart health may be affected while taking CAMCEVI. Be sure to speak to your healthcare professional about the best way to monitor for any symptoms or signs of concern.1


1. CAMCEVI. Prescribing information. Accord BioPharma; May 2021. 2. UroToday. APCCC 2019: Management of Hot Flushes. Published August 2019. Accessed January 27, 2022. 3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Getting Blood Pressure Under Control. Published September 2012. Accessed January 27, 2022. 4. American Cancer Society. Protect Your Heart During Cancer Treatment. Published February 2020. Accessed January 27, 2022. 5. Saint Luke’s Hospital of Kansas City. Understanding Post-Injection Inflammation. Accessed January 27, 2022. 6. BC Cancer Agency Cancer Drug Manual. For the Patient: Leuprolide injection, version 9.1994. Accessed February 15, 2022. 7. OncoLink. Updated July 8, 2019. Accessed February 15, 2022. 8. American Cancer Society. Managing Cancer Pain at Home. Accessed January 27, 2022. 9. ASCO. Fatigue. Published April 2020. Accessed February 2, 2022.